Tag: ctreeCreate a columned tree widget
Attrib Name Type Possible Values Description
_height integer null Get total height of widget in pixels.
_width integer null Get total width of widget in pixels.
border integer 0,* Set size of border.
default-widget boolean null Whether this widget is the 'default' for the window.
dragdata-text string null Specify the text data to be given as drag data.
dragdata-url string null Specify the URL to be given as drag data.
expander-style choice triangle,square,none Set the style of the expander used to draw trees.
focused boolean null Whether this widget has focus or not.
font font null Specify font used in widget.
frozen boolean true,false When set true the ctree is frozen so dynamic updates don't show until it is set false.
height integer -1,* Set total height of widget in pixels. -1 specifies natural height.
indent integer 0,* Set indent for child node.
line-style choice dotted,solid,none Set line style used for drawing trees.
onbuttonpress function (ctree_node, row_node, cell_node, button, row_column, x_position) Function to call whenever a mouse button is pressed in a row
onbuttonrelease function (node, button_number, x_coordinate, y_coordinate) Specify function called on a button release event.
oncollapse function (ctree_node, collapsed_node) Function to call when a child row is collapsed.
ondeselect function (ctree_node, deselected_node, selected_column) Function to call when a child row is deselected
ondoubleclick function (ctree_node, row_node, cell_node, button, row_column, x_position) Function to call when a row is double clicked.
ondrag function (source_node) Makes widget a drag source, and calls specified function when drag starts
ondrop function (target_node, drag_data, suggested_action) Makes widget accept drag events, and calls specified function on a drop.
onexpand function (ctree_node, expanded_node) Function to call when a child row is expanded
onfocus function (event_node) Specify function called on a focus in event.
onkeypress function (event_node, key_name, key_value) Specify function called on a keypress event.
onkeyrelease function (event_node, key_name, key_value) Specify function called on a keyrelease event.
onmousemotion function (node, button_mask, x_coordinate, y_coordinate) Specify function called when the mouse is moved on this widget.
onselect function (ctree_node, selected_node, selected_column) Function to call when a child row is selected
ontripleclick function (node, button_number, x_coordinate, y_coordinate) Specify function called on a tripleclick event.
row-height integer 0,* Set the height of a single row.
selection-type choice single,multiple,browse,extended Set selection type
sensitive boolean true,false Toggle widget sensitivity. Will propogate through widget tree.
show-titles boolean null Enable or disable the showing of the column titles in the ctree.
spacing integer 0,* Set spacing between items.
style string Comma seperated style rules. The look and color of this widget.
tooltip string null Specify tooltip for widget.
visible boolean true,false Toggle if the widget is to be visible on the screen.
width integer -1,* Set total width of widget in pixels. -1 specifies natural width.