Entity Introduction : ENode API
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7. ENode API

The ENode API is the interface with which all work is done in Entity. It is through this API that the programmer is able to change the XML tree at runtime, and thereby produce a non-static application.

The enode API is similar across all languages, but not identical. The reference API is documented in docs/ENode.idl, in the Entity distribution. This API is then mapped as well as possible into each language supported by Entity. Some languages also have special ways of doing things that can make life easier. Where that is the case, those features have been used.

There are a few global methods that the langauges embedded within Entity will recognise. These will all return either a single ENode object (an instance of the ENode class), or a list of ENode objects. These are generally designed to find nodes within your application, and return the object representation of them to you so that you may manipulate them. All these search routines will start at the parent 'object' tag of the code that calls them. This allows seperate 'object's to exist within entity, and not have them interfere with one another.

Now that we know how to get an ENode object, there are many things we can do once we get this object. The following is a list of methods supported:

Entity Introduction : ENode API
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