Tag: arrowCreate a new arrow widget
Attrib Name Type Possible Values Description
_height integer null Get total height of widget in pixels.
_width integer null Get total width of widget in pixels.
default-widget boolean null Whether this widget is the 'default' for the window.
dragdata-text string null Specify the text data to be given as drag data.
dragdata-url string null Specify the URL to be given as drag data.
focused boolean null Whether this widget has focus or not.
font font null Specify font used in widget.
height integer -1,* Set total height of widget in pixels. -1 specifies natural height.
onbuttonpress function (node, button_number, x_coordinate, y_coordinate) Specify function called on a button press event.
onbuttonrelease function (node, button_number, x_coordinate, y_coordinate) Specify function called on a button release event.
onclick function (calling_node) Sets up a handler for click events.
ondoubleclick function (node, button_number, x_coordinate, y_coordinate) Specify function called on a doubleclick event.
ondrag function (source_node) Makes widget a drag source, and calls specified function when drag starts
ondrop function (target_node, drag_data, suggested_action) Makes widget accept drag events, and calls specified function on a drop.
onfocus function (event_node) Specify function called on a focus in event.
onkeypress function (event_node, key_name, key_value) Specify function called on a keypress event.
onkeyrelease function (event_node, key_name, key_value) Specify function called on a keyrelease event.
onmousemotion function (node, button_mask, x_coordinate, y_coordinate) Specify function called when the mouse is moved on this widget.
ontripleclick function (node, button_number, x_coordinate, y_coordinate) Specify function called on a tripleclick event.
position integer null Direction Arrow points in 90 degree increments
sensitive boolean true,false Toggle widget sensitivity. Will propogate through widget tree.
style string Comma seperated style rules. The look and color of this widget.
tooltip string null Specify tooltip for widget.
visible boolean true,false Toggle if the widget is to be visible on the screen.
width integer -1,* Set total width of widget in pixels. -1 specifies natural width.
xalign percentage null Horizontal alignment.
xpad integer null Horizontal padding in pixels.
yalign percentage null Virtical alignment.
ypad integer null Vertical padding in pixels.